Press release



For the donation to World Bicycle Relief (WBR), Schwalbe collaborated with the MTB-News portal for the first time at the end of 2020. As soon as 75.000 euros were reached in its Advent raffle, Schwalbe doubled all donations over 15 euros up to the savings target of 90.000 euros.

"With our contribution of 15.000 euros in the 15th anniversary year of World Bicycle Relief, we sent a strong signal - and hoped to be able to motivate many more donors by doubling it, so that in the end we could even significantly exceed the goal!" says Frank Bohle, managing partner of Schwalbe. With success: By December 24, the fundraising campaign had reached the record sum of 233.658 euros.

The tire specialist from Reichshof has been involved with World Bicycle Relief since 2014. "The WBR is an extremely effective aid organization: The robust bicycles get a lot rolling. They make people mobile and thus faster, safer and more independent," explains Frank Bohle. "Giving children a future with bicycles and improving the lives of the whole family - that's what we're happy to be involved in again this year." With the Schwalbe contribution alone, 112 Buffalo Bikes can be delivered.

Work of the WBR in pandemic times

"Schwalbe's generous support will provide mobility to people who don't have access to transportation and walk the long distances of daily life," adds Lena Kleine-Kalmer of WBR. "Especially during the pandemic, we want to deliver the bikes where they are needed most. We want to help children get back to school when it reopens and support health systems by allowing nurses with bicycles to reach and care for more people. In addition, our bikes help keep supply chains running to and from markets, and for many people, bicycles are the only safe means of transportation to hold a job."

Bikes for a better life: More than half a million bikes delivered

The WBR was founded in 2005 by F. K. Day (SRAM) after the tsunami. Since then, nearly 540.000 bicycles have been delivered to a total of 15 countries. "By providing bicycles to children, 70 percent of them girls, we empower them on their path to a school degree that impacts their entire lives. Investing in schooling means breaking the cycle of poverty and enabling people to reach a turning point in their lives, for example in Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi or Colombia. With a bike, school performance increases by nearly 60 percent, nurses see about 90 percent more patients, and farmers can cut their time to market in half," WBR has found in studies. Buffalo bikes are assembled locally in assembly factories, creating permanent jobs. In addition, the WBR trains mechanics who can set up their own stores. The program will only work in the long term if know-how and spare parts are also available in remote regions.

Further information

SCHWALBE | Ralf Bohle GmbH
Press Office
Otto-Hahn-Straße 1 | 51580 Reichshof-Wehnrath
Phone: +49 22 65 109-0 |
