Schwalbe achieves new record turnover in the 2021 financial year
In 2021, which was again impacted by the corona pandemic, Schwalbe achieved sales of 273 million euros. This means growth of around 20 percent for the family business compared to the previous year (228 million euros) and a new record turnover. ‘The 2021 financial year went extremely well for us. Despite the difficult environment caused by the pandemic, we have grown very strongly - which makes us proud,’ says Frank Bohle, Managing Director of Ralf Bohle GmbH, which is behind the Schwalbe brand.

Schwalbe is therefore continuing its growth course: Turnover has almost doubled in the past ten years; in 2011 it was still at 140 million euros. One of the success factors for the significant increase in 2021 is, in addition to the generally high demand for bicycles and bicycle parts, above all the ebike boom. Schwalbe was able to persuade consumers in this respect with a wide and high-quality product range, including the flagship Marathon E-Plus with the unplattbar® seal. ‘With our continuing high level of innovation and the usual Schwalbe quality, we have been setting standards in the e-bike segment for years. As a result, we have established ourselves as a benchmark for ebike tyres among bicycle manufacturers and specialist retailers,’ says Bohle.
Schwalbe Recycling further expanded
In 2021, Schwalbe not only achieved an enormously positive economical development, but at the same time intensively pursued the central topic of corporate responsibility. For example, the successful tube recycling programme was extended to Switzerland and is now already available in five European countries. Old tubes are collected, recycled and then used for the production of new tubes - a functioning circular economy. The process saves 80 per cent of energy compared to the production of new butyl. Well over six million tubes have already been collected since the project started in 2015. The successful concept is also planned to be applied to bicycle tyres in the future. The family-owned company launched a pilot project in November 2021 in cooperation with the Technical University of Cologne and Pyrum Innovations AG. That is why Schwalbe is optimistic about the future.
Frank Bohle: ‘The bicycle is the means of transport of the future. Expansion of our production capacities is in full swing. In economic terms, I am therefore very optimistic that we will be able to continue our growth course in 2022. At the same time, this year, we would like to focus even more on the topic of corporate responsibility.’
Europe's market leader for bicycle tyres
Ralf Bohle GmbH is, with its Schwalbe brand, the market leader for bicycle tyres in Europe. Last year, the family-owned company in Reichshof in North Rhine-Westphalia completed its new headquarters, where around 70 percent of all building materials used are recyclable. 187 employees work there, and a further 61 are employed in five subsidiaries in Europe and North America.
Ralf Bohle GmbH was founded in Bergneustadt in 1922. Since 1973, Bohle has been manufacturing its Schwalbe tyres together with its production partner Hung-A - the production facilities are located in Indonesia and Vietnam. The two companies are not only linked by a joint venture, but also by a friendship that has lasted almost 50 years and is unparalleled in the industry.
Further information
SCHWALBE | Ralf Bohle GmbH
Press Office
Otto-Hahn-Straße 1 | 51580 Reichshof-Wehnrath
Phone: +49 22 65 109-0 |