Schwalbe sponsors numerous mountain bikers, racing cyclists, triathletes and world travellers. Who are these athletes, what drives them - and what are they doing during these extraordinary times when the competition season has come to a standstill? The new podcast “PUMPED!” has been providing the answers since April 9th.

The episodes, which last around 30 minutes, are uploaded on to Spotify, Apple and Schwalbe's online channels, alternating weekly in German and English. “We want to give our listeners an inside perspective on professional sports - whether downhill, cross country, road racing or triathlon. Our intensive cooperation gives us a lot of insight into the life of the athletes, their motivations, their goals, their dreams. This gave rise to the idea of showcasing our athletes and touring cyclists,” says Michael Kull from Schwalbe Marketing. Schwalbe announced well-known mountain biker and blogger Tobias Woggon as the host for the new series.
Schwalbe names the guest on their social media channels in advance of the podcast and invites their community to ask questions that will be included in the podcast. Episode 1 is about Nina Hoffmann. The 23-year-old has been one of the most exciting German downhill hopes for a long time and won three podium places in the Downhill World Cup last year. She talks to Tobias Woggon on Schwalbe’s debut podcast about how she went from a professional javelin thrower from Thuringia to a world-class mountain biker.
For the podcast: Pumped
Further information
SCHWALBE | Ralf Bohle GmbH
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Phone: +49 22 65 109-0 |