This bikepacking trip is also a tour of freedom: To mark the 30th anniversary of reunification in October 2020, bike adventurer Markus Stitz rode along the former inner-German border. With the support of Schwalbe, he created his video "Grenzerfahrungen" (border experiences), which has now appeared on YouTube.

Tour of freedom
In the ten-minute film about his bikepacking tour, Markus Stitz also tells his own story of how he experienced the opening of the border as a ten-year-old. And he impressively reminds us that freedom cannot be taken for granted by punctuating the opening of his video with passages from Ronald Reagon's famous speech at the Brandenburg Gate in 1987 ("Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate"). "It is exactly this freedom that I got on November 9th, 1989 that makes me the person I am today. I like to experience this freedom best on my bike," says the native of Thuringia, who now lives in Scotland.
He rode his gravel bike for 700 kilometers along the former Iron Curtain, which divided the whole of Europe and which many people only remember from stories. Today, the border strip is part of the European Green Belt - a former no-man's land that has been transformed into a piece of wild nature.
"Markus Stitz combines the nature experience of bikepacking with an exciting tour into our history," says Philipp Jahn, Brand Manager at Schwalbe. "We consider this commitment absolutely worth supporting!" Schwalbe has been working with the well-known bike blogger and filmmaker for several years now, equipping him with tires for his globe-trotting bike trips (here: G-One Ultrabite) and supporting his photo trips and film projects.
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