She grew up in the countryside and whenever possible she grabs her bike and rides out into the countryside where she is reminded of her home. She is lucky: on two wheels, from her studio, she can escape the stress and hustle and bustle of the big city in just a few minutes. The surrounding area is an absolute recreational paradise and perfectly suited for tours of any length on a racing bike. It is the fleeting moments while cycling that stimulate her creativity. She speaks of a flow state when everything meshes, of speed, of landscapes rushing by, blurring trees, spots of light on the asphalt, moods that are immediately waiting for her behind the next bend and are already over again with the next blink of an eye. She carries these impressions within her, processes them on the further journey and gives them expression in the encounter with the canvas.

Lea Carla Diestelhorst rides the Schwalbe Pro One both in the city and on her extended tours across the country. It offers her maximum performance and protects her safely from punctures. Anyone who wants to learn more about her and her work is welcome to visit her in her studio, on her website Website or on Instagram Instagram